Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My 1st official (on the job) Cake

My cousin Dawn Day (Tait) asked me to make her wedding cake. I was very nervous and excited to say the least! It was a lot of planning and a lot of hours working, but it all paid off. Here it is!! My first being hired and paid cake...Thanks for the opportunity Dawn!


Lib-Dawg said...

MinDee!!!!!! That looks AMAZING!!!! Great job and congrats on your first "official" job. :) :) :)

Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

LOVE IT!!! It turned out GREAT MinDee!! I can't wait to see more wedding cakes! and hear about your fun trip!!

Kenz said...

After you told me about it today, I had to go and take a glance. Wow, you did such a great job! Love the colors too! By the way, this song cracks me up. I remember watching this show with the kids.